Erstellt am: 21.11.2022

The key to networking: understanding each other's goals

At SIBB, we try to understand the purpose and goals of companies. With deep knowledge about their business model, their clients and vision, we can network better and add value through our contacts.

With this in mind, on Monday the 21st of November, the Startups that onboarded recently for SIBB Deep Tech Accelerator showed their visions to the whole SIBB Team. In addition, they were introduced to our partner and member 3pc Kommunikation.

With more than 250 Enterprises in our network, we can help our startups find early pilot testers, mentors, potential clients and advisors. Feel free to contact us if you want to be involved.

We are excited to share some early prototypes  with our network soon and look forward to work with the new batch.
Some fresh startup websites to have a glimpse on: