In this round, we supported 12 startup teams who prevailed in the selection process with our jury:
Abracadabra is an AI-based project assistant that is specifically tailored to the needs of freelancers. Like a personal assistant, it handles repetitive tasks like email sorting, time tracking, work documentation, and invoicing. It even helps you negotiate a fair estimate and asks your client for more money if your work is more difficult than expected. With this wizard you can create an incorruptible and 100% truthful portfolio, confirmed by completed projects, that future clients can trust.
Adalan AI is a management consulting & SaaS platform for AI Governance/Management, Policy and Ethics to drive operational excellence, achieve greater customer satisfaction, build public trust and gain competitive edge on the AI market. We help corporates, VCs, investors and policy-makers in Artificial Intelligence product risk assessment and management, impact assessment, policy-tracking and policy formulation by improving/building internal governance strategies, structures, processes and people skills across organizational functions that change the way how algorithms are built.
AGNTS is an app to book a personal agent that runs errands for you. In three simple steps you describe the task, where it starts and where it ends and your agent will run it for you. Our service takes tedious tasks off your shoulders, gives you peace of mind and the ultimate currency: time for the important things in life. In the medium term we will shift to robotics to fulfill the tasks. We create this infrastructure today and make robots accessible for everyone tomorrow.
DemDet is a storage and calculation system for demurrage and detention costs and conditions in container logistics. We want to help companies get the most accurate information regarding overall market situation in demurrage and detention conditions as well as help to calculate and forecast exact costs. Costs and conditions will be sourced with the help of API connections, PDF and web site parsers. Data and calculation will be transferred to customers via API, EDI, via web service or as a database.
Equaly is the equal care platform for couples. With equaly, couples can design their individual work-life-family model together and implement it in their everyday life. From the family-cash-flow-planner to the daily organization, equaly supports couples who want to share care work and career more equally. Because while every second german couple would like to have an equal division of family and work, only every fifth couple lives this way (Väterreport 2021). With equaly, we want to close the gap between aspiration and reality.
We at H2Geo offer shipping companies worldwide a package solution to replace fossil fuels with green hydrogen (H2), a clean fuel source with zero carbon emissions. We do this by retrofitting ships with fuel cells and providing affordable green hydrogen with small-scale and scalable green H2 production at local harbours. During the course of the SIBB accelerator, we will be developing our MVP, gathering funding and onboarding pilot customers for our pilot project in Iceland - the cheapest place in the world to produce Green H2. Once we have proof of concept, the next step will be implementing the solution in Germany.
Solutions Additive Manufacturing (SAM) ist eine Softwarelösung zur Echtzeit-Optimierung des Produktionsplans von 3D-Drucker Farmen. Entscheidungen über Druckaufträge werden auf der Grundlage von Ein KI-gestützter Algorithmus getroffen und binden diverse Variablen wie Auftragsdatum, die Verfügbarkeit von Druckern und Personal sowie Lagerkapazitäten mit ein. Damit werden Prozesse sowie Druckzeiten optimiert und wichtige Zeit- sowie Ressourcenersparnisse erzeugt. Schlüsselphasen des Arbeitsablaufs, die häufig manuell durchgeführt werden, wie z. B. die Auftragsverwaltung oder die Produktionsplanung, können automatisiert werden, um Zeit zu sparen und das Risiko menschlicher Fehler zu verringern.
Stocadro digitalisiert die Lagerhaltung in der Baubranche. Der Fokus liegt aktuell auf dem Gerüstbau. Gerüstbauer haben keinen Überblick über ihr Lagerbestände und Materialbewegungen. Das führt zu Ineffizienzen in der Projektplanung und Fehlern bei Materiallieferungen auf Baustellen. Kern des Problems ist die Handhabung von Rücklieferung, die oft unsortiert von der Baustelle zurückkommen. Stocadro entwickelt ein neuartiges Verfahren, um diese Rücklieferung digital aufzunehmen und ermöglicht so den Einsatz von Lagerverwaltungssoftware (WMS) im Gerüstbau. Das Team besteht aus Dr. Johannes King (Business Development, Vertrieb) und Elliot Gorinas (Produkt, Tech).
Transform your social responsibility into long-term business goals that generate both social impact and a financial return on investment. Many models exist with a strong sense of purpose; yet, the lack of a systemic solution to the challenges they are aiming to solve contradicts one of the key selling points for developing mission-driven business models: The mutual benefits of increased reputation, impact, and profit. 144’s approach through their platform makes it simple for small and medium-sized businesses to invest in impact-driven startups that will advance both business objectives and community goals.
UfoCourier – is a platform connecting people living abroad and willing to send their parcel back home with independent small delivery partners, enabling faster and more cost-effective shipment in comparison to traditional carriers. With UfoCourier everyone could be a courier – from a transportation company to a private person travelling.
uncloud is the first cloud platform that configures itself automatically. uncloud is the cloud experience re-imagined for software developers, so they can focus on what they do best: Build & Test qualitative software. All of the server config, database management, setting up scalable file storage, and everything else that is needed to run software in the cloud at scale is managed by uncloud – fully automatically. With uncloud, software teams can create & ship features to their customers 5-10x faster. Customers with especially sensitive data can also run uncloud in their own AWS account.
ZenZen is a virtual assistant phone app that guides pregnant women on their diabetes journey. ZenZen helps mums and infants to start their new life together stress-free and healthy. ZenZen analyses data collected through AI driven, interactive conversations, focusing on nutrition, mental health, exercise and sleep and provides support and advice in these areas. This results in improved blood sugar levels, better mood and overall quality of life.
Wir förderten im Jahr 2022 insgesamt 8 Start-up Teams, die sich im Auswahlprozess unserer Jury durchgesetzt haben:
Beams is developing the meta layer of SaaS products to help people work better, not more.
Our first product is a Mac Menu Bar App that indicates the one thing to focus on at any given time (meeting, focus, etc.) non-intrusively in the menu bar. Beams learns about your personal work context to intelligently suggest deep work blocks where distractions are eliminated and it delivers emails, messages and notifications in batches at the right time. Our overall goal is to build a mindful New Work solution that improves peoples’ well-being at work - starting with product & tech teams.
TrustBox is an e-health solution and a safe space that offers emotional support and exchange to young people in the field of first sexual experiences. It contributes sustainability to the mental and physical health of young people. This includes social integration, diversity, emancipation and prevention of addiction and crime. With the TrustBox the Institut für Abenteuer offers sexual education as well as media empowerment, which is scalable for other age and target groups.
Integre is tokenizing valuable and meaningful ecosystems, our first target is art patronage, like the Web3 version of the Met Museum’s Apollo Circle. There is immense pride in being a patron, to show that one is an invested member of an important subject and plays a crucial role in its future development. Patrons can exchange using their tokens: NFTs as well as experiences outside of ownership: invitations to tours, opening receptions, meetings with the curator, access outside of public hours and vote on who should be the next director etc. We think Web3 will bring more people into the art ecosystem and help new patrons understand the true value of art. In the future, we aim expand to other ecosystems, for example, scientific research and philanthropists.
Spotliked is Germany's first UGC-Marketing platform for local marketing.
The side-to-side app provides locals with a sustainable, modern and yet affordable advertising opportunity that was previously inaccessible to them. Business owners can sign up, choose their pricing model and post their deals. On the deal map, Instagram users see the deals in their area, and can choose them. On their account, they post their experience in return. Businesses are thus connected with new customers, get self-running social media content and more reach.
mytayls is an AI-based booking platform for pet-related services such as training, daycare, grooming, and more. Pet owners will be able to find the perfect partner for their pet's needs, book and pay appointments, and keep a pet diary for their records. For the pet service providers, we offer a SaaS solution to digitize their analog processes. We believe that by creating a digital experience, we provide a product that not only satisfies the needs of modern day dog owners and services providers but also contributes to creating a sustainable coexistence for the entire community. We want to become the global search engine for pet-related services.
Nate’s mission is to bridge the gap between Business and IT by offering hands-on education on topics like Digital Product Building, No-Code/Low-Code Tools and Automations. Our education platform and courses are designed to create a technology mindset and enable better decision making and cross-functional collaboration. The courses will be delivered in a cohort-based format with live online lectures led by practitioners and a community of learners helping each other completing assignments.
Peak Power is building a distributed energy storage system that helps balancing the electric grid. With our software solution we control and steer a smart network of distributed storage assets. They automatically react to grid unbalances, store excess energy from renewable energy sources and feed energy back into the grid when most needed. This helps the energy transition and optimises asset economics at the same time.
Re-Fresh Global is a startup in the field of textile circular economy, which upcycles any kind of used textiles and produces new raw materials from them, partly back for the textile industry, partly for other industries to replace virgin or synthetic materials these industries use today. The textile waste management system and the technology developed by the team and partners provides an end-to-end solution for at least 60% of discarded textiles, which make up to 10% of today's municipal waste. Current innovation step is the commercial production of the company's three products: bio-ethanol, nanocellulose and sanitized textile pulp. The process is supported by a smart and digital system that promotes connectivity and data transfer.
Wir förderten im Jahr 2021 insgesamt 8 Start-up Teams, die sich im Auswahlprozess unserer Jury durchgesetzt haben:
Kuwala is a data integration and blending tool for data scientists and data engineers to quickly and securely combine and analyze external data sources with internal data. Kuwala's vision is to become a standard for third-party data integration, enabling more companies to develop and deploy advanced data science models.
Mentor: Carsten Zaddach (BDE GmbH)
Lingu is a language learning app that helps people learn a language by speaking. Using voice recognition and simulated dialogues Lingu helps the student to practice speaking in a safe environment, reducing the fear of making mistakes. Our goal is to increase the number of expats that reach B2 level German in 2 years
Mentor: Peggy Lindner (Sprachweiser)
LoveLane is an AI based couples coaching app. Our vision is to help couples create deep, strong and healthy relationships. With LoveLane, couples will become more mindful of their relationship by focusing on the positive aspects of their partnership. They will strengthen their bond by talking about questions they have never thought about and receiving new inspiration for joint activities and dates. They will also be able to solve relationship issues through our self-learning courses or by talking to one of our couple’s therapist. We believe that self-care was yesterday, relationship care is next.
Check out our website if you're curious (German only for now, sorry)
Mentor: Mali Baum (WLOUNGE)
mAIndcraft is a comprehensive digital mental health therapy solution that improves therapy access and efficiency by combining telemedicine and machine learning to dramatically streamline therapists’ resources and tailor interventions precisely to patients needs in real time. mAIndcraft offers patients both, immediate access to therapists in multiple languages and a digital data- driven companionship to boost therapy positive effects between therapy sessions.
Mentor: Arndt Schwaiger (hellmetrics GmbH)
OM-LoT (Optical Micromanipulation Lab on Tip)’s mission is to make cancer diagnosis and treatment options fast, accessible and non-invasive, to reduce the difficulties for cancer patients by shortening the time of the diagnosis and screening process to less than a day while being almost 10X cheaper.
At OM-LoT, we are developing a device which makes the process of cancer cell detection and stratification, faster and simpler. In our process, cancer related cells are collected from patient’s blood sample. These cells are then characterized and arranged into subgroups based on their unique optical properties and by means of our propriety optical spectroscopy device. Using our AI based analysis on the correlation of cancer cell subgroups with their therapeutic effects, the correct therapy is then identified and suggested to the doctors.
Mentor: Bettina Zielke (Conscious Digital Health)
Optimo is developing a planning software that will help shift managers from production companies to easily, effectively and quickly implement training sessions into the daily work of production employees. The software is supposed to help prepare employees for the changing work environment of Industry 4.0. Therefore, Optimo helps shift managers in manufacturing companies to adjust shift planning regarding learning time to enable a long-term learning strategy.
Mentoren: Rico Schady (FoP Consult GmbH)
PLATONIC is a Mobile-first location-based meetup app that enables people to make real-time, real-world connections where they are right now. PLATONIC opens opportunities for users to instantly find or create events in their hyper-local community by just answering three basic questions on our app: WHAT? WHEN? and WHERE? As an initial MVP, we offer free access for individual users to attend or create an event for up to 10 people, which will add expanded SaaS features that will enable professionals to create larger scale events and hyper-local advertising options. In addition to already existing text and video chat features, PLATONIC is planning to incorporate new tools such as machine learning, augmented reality, and push notification advertisements to enhance the user and subscriber experience.
Mentor: Robert Anders
Sermonis AI is a conversational AI startup with plans to revolutionize the deployment of enterprise-grade intelligent virtual assistants built upon state-of-the-art NLP technologies. We envision a future in which the modern worker’s intellect and decision-making skills are augmented by a virtual assistant capable of rapidly reasoning through the immense amounts of proprietary data that will be generated by enterprises of the fourth industrial revolution.
Mentor: Olaf Kehrer (O&O Software GmbH) | Dirk Stocksmeier (]init[ AG für digitale Kommunikation)
In 2020, we funded seven startup teams that prevailed in our jury's selection process:
Ecotrek is the first AI-based sustainability sourcing platform that provides transparency of sustainability indicators to boost zero carbon supply chain. With ecotrek, you can manage the most comprehensive datasets among the sustainability landscape. Our goal is to establish sustainability as the fourth dimension in purchasing decisions next to time, quality and costs.
Kai Gehrmann (Stiehl/Over/Gehrmann GmbH)
Armin Berger (3pc GmbH)
hearME is a comprehensive solution for personal safety including a community platform, guardian app and jewelry wristband for self-defense. By wearing our personal alarm device as an everyday accessory it already strengthens the users confidence and safety feeling. Wearing the bracelet on the wrist allows the user to activate it fast and easy with one finger and thus offers an effective help in case of an emergency. Just in case of activation pre-chosen SOS-contacts and other app users around will be informed about the users location for being able to organize help. We believe in creating a trustful community and products as a statement against any kind of violence and to inspire people to be mindful about themselves and their surrounding.
Viola Klein (Saxonia Systems Holding GmbH)
Mineiros is building a platform that allows users to automate the management and deployment of their infrastructure according to their needs and required customizations. As a market entry product Mineiros offers a subscription based Infrastructure as Code (IaC) library to provide access to secure, tested and production grade Cloud infrastructure to everyone. In the future Mineiros will build up on this automation and provide a platform with fully managed cloud services. Our overall intention is to democratize the usage of cloud infrastructure and support resource-friendly innovation in various sectors.
Dirk Stocksmeier (]INIT AG[)
Steffen David (IPB Internet Provider in Berlin GmbH)
Die Resonanz Energy RE GmbH ist ein Software Start-Up im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien. Das Unternehmen hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die Erzeugung und den Verbrauch von Strom durch eine in-novative, modulare Plattform und ein dynamisches Energiemanagementsystem zu flexibilisieren und besser aufeinander abzustimmen. Mithilfe von Automatisierung und intelligenten Algorithmen sollen Ineffizienzen eliminiert und somit die Gesamtkosten für alle Marktteilnehmer gesenkt werden.
Dirk Seewald (eCAPITAL entrepreneurial Partners AG)
Vähk is an analytics tool to manage, predict and improve the cure and treatment of cancer diagnosed patients. Besides creating its own anonymized dataset with permission of the patients, it uses several reliable APIs to filter data cases. It currently has access to +34,000 patient cases. It shares it further though our own API blueprint. The app is a combined: Management tool, Predictive model & Electronic health record (EHR).
Stefan Zorn(Imatics Software GmbH)
Yoona Tech is a scalable Artificial Intelligence based B2B software solution, which shortens the fashion design process to only some simple clicks and furthermore the possibility to create an individual design is much more easier. By using design data YOONA proposes new collections, single designs, prints, materials or color concepts. New trends or other sales-oriented data can also be incorporated. The Yoona Technology pursues the vision of a holistic digitization and is committed to encourage conscious consumption and drive sustainability through the automation of design process.
Peer Hohn (sys-pro GmbH)
Magic Zebra’s mission is to help companies and employees transition to the future of work. We facilitate a happier, healthier, more sustainable and at the same time more productive way of working. Therefore we are applying state of the art technologies such as Machine Learning, NLP combined with the newest findings in behavioral psychology to analyse, empower and shape the workforce of the future.