SIBB Digital Transition Incubator

The SIBB Incubator is an empowering program specifically designed to support early-stage startups, with a special emphasis on nurturing female founders. We provide vital resources, personalized mentoring & coaching, as well as hands-on workshops in a collaborative environment, all geared toward transforming innovative ideas into successful, impactful ventures. 

Since September 2023, we have been supporting our 7 new startups in the SIBB Incubator. Stay tuned for their project developments and stories, which we regularly share here. If you are also interested in becoming part of the incubator in the future as well, you will have another opportunity in 2024. The application phase begins in May 2024, and the new round starts again in September.


We would like to express our sincere appreciation for the invaluable support and guidance provided by the accelerator team throughout our journey.

Team ZenZen


SIBB Digital Transition Incubator


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Want to talk to us? 

Etta Dannemann
Program Manager & Startup Coach
Call: 0 30 208493 016 


Foto Mario

Mario Liebrenz
Project Manager
Call: 030 4036 7190 3


Urte Zahn

Urte Zahn
Startup Coach
Call: 030 208493024


Ron Reckin
Program Director
Call: 030 4036 7190 5

 - Eligibility Criteria for the SIBB Incubator -

  • You are registered in Berlin (main residence) as soon as the program starts
  • You need to live in Berlin and be present in Startup Space (remote participation not possible)
  • Full-time commitment – previous jobs need to be canceled
  • Your previous experience as a startup founder is limited (serial entrepreneurs are not eligible)
  • Early stage project: You are still working on your MVP / market entry (your product has no paying customers yet)
  • Co-Founders own the IP and still have more than 50% shares
  • Your startup and Co-founders didn’t receive any public startup funding yet
  • If you have already founded a company already: it needs to be registered in Berlin
  • You have an accident insurance & health insurance